All light bulbs are not created equal. There are so many different kinds of light bulbs on the market today that it can be overwhelming when you’re trying to purchase the right one. But in today’s economy, it only makes sense to choose light bulbs that are efficient and long lasting. Here are the most efficient light bulbs available that can help you save energy and money:


If you’re looking for an efficient light bulb with a lengthy lifespan, look no further than LED bulbs. Short for light-emitting diode, LED bulbs consume minimal power and have an amazingly long lifespan of up to 50 years. By using semiconductors that convert electricity to light, LEDs use only around 20 percent of the energy that traditional light bulbs use. LED light technology is still relatively new so these bulbs tend to tout higher prices (one LED bulb runs around $35) than other light bulbs. However, considering LED bulbs have such a long lifespan, they are worth the investment. Even better, unlike other light bulbs, LED bulbs don’t contain mercury or lead, making them environmentally friendly.


CFLs, also known as compact fluorescent light bulbs, are the most popular choice for home and business owners looking for energy-efficient light bulbs. This is because they’re extremely energy efficient, have a lifespan of 8 to 10 years and only cost around $4 per bulb. While CFLs have lots of benefits, these bulbs do contain mercury, which makes it difficult to safely dispose of them.

Halogen Incandescent Bulbs

Halogen incandescent light bulbs aren’t the most efficient lighting option, but they meet the federal minimum energy efficiency standard. These bulbs are very common and are popular because they come in a wide range of shapes and colors and are inexpensive. While these may be selling points for some home and business owners, it’s a good idea to consider investing in either LED or CFL light bulbs because they are much more efficient.

For More Energy-Savings Tips, Contact Mister Sparky

Choosing the right type of light bulb is just one way you can save energy. At Mister Sparky® of Clearwater, we help you create your own ideal lighting situation while working to save you money in the process. Whether you’re looking for task, accent or general lighting, we can help.

Learn more about our lighting services here or contact us today to speak with one of our friendly team members.