Electrical Panels, Homeowner’s Insurance, and You
October 26, 2022
It’s important to have the best homeowner’s insurance to protect your investment and family. There are many issues that insurance companies take into account when writing a policy for your home. One of the things they look at is the home’s electrical system – specifically the electrical panel. This panel is the control center of your home’s electrical system and there are certain panels that insurance companies just won’t cover.
Federal Pacific Electrical Company panels are one of the biggest offenders. These panels were one of the most commonly used panels in US homes throughout the 1950s and into the 1980s, but eventually electricians and home inspectors discovered that these panels did not provide the proper protection. With just one short circuit or overcurrent, FPE panels will start to overheat and can quickly become a serious fire hazard.
Zinsco panels have also been shown to cause similar problems. Like FPE panels, Zinsco panels were once commonly used; however, as the electrical needs of today’s homeowners increased, these panels were no longer able to handle the heavy load.
If you’ve got either of these once status quo panels in your home, upgrading to a current panel as soon as possible is crucial to your safety and our team of Jacksonville electrical contractors is ready to help you make the switch.
Whether you are buying a new home or just getting a new insurance policy, it’s always important to make sure that your electrical panel is up to date. Contact us today to learn more about upgrading your panel.