{u'rating': 4.8, u'reference': u'ChIJnfwnSYKqbIgRnp5tvoW2MGM', u'place_id': u'ChIJnfwnSYKqbIgRnp5tvoW2MGM', u'utc_offset': -300, u'international_phone_number': u'+1 317-886-0587', u'formatted_address': u'4040 Industrial Blvd, Indianapolis, IN 46254, USA', u'formatted_phone_number': u'(317) 886-0587', u'opening_hours': {u'weekday_text': [u'Monday: Open 24 hours', u'Tuesday: Open 24 hours', u'Wednesday: Open 24 hours', u'Thursday: Open 24 hours', u'Friday: Open 24 hours', u'Saturday: Open 24 hours', u'Sunday: Open 24 hours'], u'open_now': True, u'periods': [{u'open': {u'day': 0, u'time': u'0000'}}]}, u'vicinity': u'4040 Industrial Boulevard, Indianapolis', u'business_status': u'OPERATIONAL', u'icon_mask_base_uri': u'https://maps.gstatic.com/mapfiles/place_api/icons/v2/generic_pinlet', u'website': u'https://www.mistersparky.com/indianapolis/?utm_source=GMB&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=ms_indy_gmb_profile', u'last_fetched': 1732186240, u'user_ratings_total': 1714, u'photos': [{u'width': 2240, u'height': 1495, u'photo_reference': u'AdDdOWqq7l2QbR91bYb5LZWiZis9nBInofGY2CZ3LmkE6gTqUuE2m1jMi3LOZE1eFdRXpOO0vOcD34_NA-3n-EJ4Ei8jX2XLiYVJCPDAXcmeGrmgpmGCyjK75aBhFtc1ylaf_CUWe3jh1u0k7tJMrlclIIqvzpLwlz828Bi7GkcfYzJ1zTBC', u'html_attributions': [u'<a href="https://maps.google.com/maps/contrib/112365758932273824763">Mister Sparky of Indianapolis</a>']}, {u'width': 2240, u'height': 1495, u'photo_reference': u'AdDdOWpQH1ClYry6uQCfWcCe2SIeDPA3zQD4BcOa7-ADeO2MhYV9ClK69um5Ayw5Dhzdpfb-iTo0IinW7VbaV2GFXIQvQkJdUF0UM2si81tzs75JSpMitWbiWVDYR2beRJxP6zwX3mDcu9Ks-u7LVvm8sGqoJ9tHL5oToYqi8T2lu2rO0UcH', u'html_attributions': [u'<a href="https://maps.google.com/maps/contrib/112365758932273824763">Mister Sparky of Indianapolis</a>']}, {u'width': 3024, u'height': 4032, u'photo_reference': u'AdDdOWqgEnudjq93cjnMNMUV6eQ04NyfzCAyj0SNqbT-32DWaaOfG48K3fDvj8zIg07M1pmwjKh04Nv0LHFrVRgcUNl-EhIakr46BsjTZZ-hK7kIbfD6cFZX5_PngHYTu05-Nls1A8gnLCYY_7obH5LFtYl6zwyn0hsH8W2WdhVgTU5RycvC', u'html_attributions': [u'<a href="https://maps.google.com/maps/contrib/111923369911462355503">To The T Decor &amp; Design</a>']}, {u'width': 2538, u'height': 1694, u'photo_reference': u'AdDdOWqgg4rIJRCMBAu2gK643c92nwuqiVQmDHMs-kbroFfSkrDM5d6nOUYmJmT7rhEAAccgg_7ChyZ-2aUtFtmImWXgSAljO7Vjb4km4grnqxyAWy72WbUYJ8ZhNMmw8C6_W6ZgakMlfBKTuY8yvoX3aOkNxwfix__xXaVEPRgbTDt4uiqp', u'html_attributions': [u'<a href="https://maps.google.com/maps/contrib/112365758932273824763">Mister Sparky of Indianapolis</a>']}, {u'width': 3024, u'height': 4032, u'photo_reference': u'AdDdOWoeoiHeH7Ub7Jy5uJwpS6kDOsDjvzq35BJpx4E9CLqtMlw6XIgWm51Cm5M6EhsaFzSX-7y86EDEIAD-8swhO5NhynCFsq1QWQwyK5ZrUZ9yZ5SRz_vAwFG01L5Ef5cJfAvAsYuUlUTuQWvwhUbVo9mQiyR84vr7H7simlDYSyzJyxMa', u'html_attributions': [u'<a href="https://maps.google.com/maps/contrib/118249055341498087437">Denise Bolander</a>']}, {u'width': 5472, u'height': 3648, u'photo_reference': u'AdDdOWo5DNHQlzjHwK7VgEgtaYLaZEvkhC875G__L_XliLDzTgwxP4TgLLbYU2LIMZQII5z47A6Gx6UBkab4g2FI34fmKqEMLgzeAwd52wsxNdCTZ5zhgsqIaTFGSiZhXfkn_iKLlFYhQ8yHqfNOEfAAd9tFJWVrmOhnCe2DHmh7-b7amxNo', u'html_attributions': [u'<a href="https://maps.google.com/maps/contrib/112365758932273824763">Mister Sparky of Indianapolis</a>']}, {u'width': 3000, u'height': 4000, u'photo_reference': u'AdDdOWrix-anNVPEE6LjOCCSNR7qpcAOjDT6yUU05HTKYSCkUPQiqfUY6n5VG1mWOyx_j_dFW0JucIFQz0Wu75esZXpEtf83V4DDIIIwRBHtiB-feP9h-GzP8v-DG2F8sN-oQ2P34YJTTRyOMeegIE0A9oR3RbAgmM8HmVv2C3k8IMBil3xS', u'html_attributions': [u'<a href="https://maps.google.com/maps/contrib/118386436496124724723">Celieboo</a>']}, {u'width': 3024, u'height': 4032, u'photo_reference': u'AdDdOWrMKZ7AGawT_aW2LHbk49o_q3lDc9bio431fN5yMOsizG2_Qrw4TapbtUPWZvvjH7Lk7LfA1mC3xVXx2lKgp4UxBgioU3sK8Ge2dkzek8myWPJVelRqqAKc293ezI7NJVWDiYcfYqmBj3yOu8FQnvu76HJKErkTtBhJu0JD_5Q8hrlg', u'html_attributions': [u'<a href="https://maps.google.com/maps/contrib/100155437975794272610">Stanley Pugh</a>']}, {u'width': 908, u'height': 2016, u'photo_reference': u'AdDdOWoysh25cMsxdbGUNgkn0NLUFn8imr7SHPGSaOcPoLQ6yvubrsJZl-q2sCluNpUKFACc5tsVNLyNnpYeTjS3kh87KQHbT9tTfJRGvLluYn1aK1ZByKyk-KmxPlnLMeyTmIKXvLnx4B-oWyw6TCWRFYte0nCIKgy5DWACoOweE9sBfP0U', u'html_attributions': [u'<a href="https://maps.google.com/maps/contrib/113421232768496809917">Lori Choate</a>']}, {u'width': 770, u'height': 1024, u'photo_reference': u'AdDdOWrGmhU7JJnqsTsuPaiDZ3C-m8bp24Pmol6FMlKHHBJE_Fi7GJgAUW66ScHtFdO6cmnuguYyOCF8-q72jp2gxW8gzIuZ-ryYgolBYahAs8A5BIQPjhtP0-2HBGdIGCWUowE0jruYvjg_o4x4x4SWJUSQZSkDD3jQw3UOBDdLlRSsjOt1', u'html_attributions': [u'<a href="https://maps.google.com/maps/contrib/111555149606964120861">Kathy Dake</a>']}], u'types': [u'electrician', u'point_of_interest', u'establishment'], u'icon': u'https://maps.gstatic.com/mapfiles/place_api/icons/v1/png_71/generic_business-71.png', u'name': u'Mister Sparky of Indianapolis', u'url': u'https://maps.google.com/?cid=7147413294178737822', u'adr_address': u'<span class="street-address">4040 Industrial Blvd</span>, <span class="locality">Indianapolis</span>, <span class="region">IN</span> <span class="postal-code">46254</span>, <span class="country-name">USA</span>', u'whitelabel_id': 462, u'plus_code': {u'compound_code': u'RQHC+FF Indianapolis, IN, USA', u'global_code': u'86FMRQHC+FF'}, u'icon_background_color': u'#7B9EB0', u'reviews': [{u'rating': 5, u'profile_photo_url': u'https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a/ACg8ocL4Wt1RCN0nbS_GWT4JG-9wpzCiBdmDJvlgTEqjtOtRLhh3vq8=s128-c0x00000000-cc-rp-mo', u'language': u'en', u'text': u"I recently had the pleasure of hiring Mister Sparky for some electrical work in my home, and I couldn't be more impressed! From start to finish, the experience was fantastic.\n\nFirst, their communication was excellent. They arrived on time, explained the work that needed to be done, and answered all my questions with patience. During the job, they were not only highly skilled and thorough but also extremely courteous. It was clear that they took pride in their work, ensuring everything was done correctly and safely.\n\nWhat stood out the most was their attention to detail. They made sure to keep the work area tidy throughout the process, and by the time they finished, there was no mess left behind. It was such a relief to see my home just as clean as it was before they arrived!\n\nI highly recommend Mister Sparky for anyone in need of electrical services. Their professionalism, expertise, and commitment to customer satisfaction are truly commendable. I will definitely be calling them for any future electrical needs!", 'review_content': u"I recently had the pleasure of hiring Mister Sparky for some electrical work in my home, and I couldn't be more impressed! From start to finish, the experience was fantastic.\n\nFirst, their communication was excellent. They arrived on time, explained the work that needed to be done, and answered all my questions with patience. During the job, they were not only highly skilled and thorough but also extremely courteous. It was clear that they took pride in their work, ensuring everything was done correctly and safely.\n\nWhat stood out the most was their attention to detail. They made sure to keep the work area tidy throughout the process, and by the time they finished, there was no mess left behind. It was such a relief to see my home just as clean as it was before they arrived!\n\nI highly recommend Mister Sparky for anyone in need of electrical services. Their professionalism, expertise, and commitment to customer satisfaction are truly commendable. I will definitely be calling them for any future electrical needs!", u'author_name': u'Mark Dennett', 'datetime': datetime.datetime(2024, 10, 21, 15, 50, 57), 'review_rating': 5, 'review_author': u'Mark Dennett', u'relative_time_description': u'a month ago', u'time': 1729525857, u'translated': False, u'original_language': u'en', u'author_url': u'https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/105707449018119371196/reviews'}, {u'rating': 5, u'profile_photo_url': u'https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a/ACg8ocJfUdarXnoUJJDjK9xcMtpd3EZ7-pBfYkNt6px9tmTBHcuwIg=s128-c0x00000000-cc-rp-mo', u'language': u'en', u'text': u'Xavier was great. Installed a whole new main breaker system . He was on time. He explained everything clearly. Very professional and hardworking and definitely knew what he was doing! Would definitely recommend his services again.', 'review_content': u'Xavier was great. Installed a whole new main breaker system . He was on time. He explained everything clearly. Very professional and hardworking and definitely knew what he was doing! Would definitely recommend his services again.', u'author_name': u'Denise Bolander', 'datetime': datetime.datetime(2024, 6, 29, 21, 2, 7), 'review_rating': 5, 'review_author': u'Denise Bolander', u'relative_time_description': u'4 months ago', u'time': 1719694927, u'translated': False, u'original_language': u'en', u'author_url': u'https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/118249055341498087437/reviews'}, {u'rating': 5, u'profile_photo_url': u'https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/ALV-UjXD5TTWXRhqxXqCd_Akk47TEI1mIfYi-NDRrLkEcb8CQztX62U=s128-c0x00000000-cc-rp-mo', u'language': u'en', u'text': u'Xavier was awesome. Very professional and knowledgeable. Made us feel at ease. I would rate him and Mr Sparky a 10 plus and I\u2019m not exactly the easiest person to please. It\u2019s good to see someone so conscientious.', 'review_content': u'Xavier was awesome. Very professional and knowledgeable. Made us feel at ease. I would rate him and Mr Sparky a 10 plus and I\u2019m not exactly the easiest person to please. It\u2019s good to see someone so conscientious.', u'author_name': u'John Zubak', 'datetime': datetime.datetime(2024, 10, 22, 20, 15, 42), 'review_rating': 5, 'review_author': u'John Zubak', u'relative_time_description': u'4 weeks ago', u'time': 1729628142, u'translated': False, u'original_language': u'en', u'author_url': u'https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/104393526051385681451/reviews'}, {u'rating': 5, u'profile_photo_url': u'https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a/ACg8ocL_s8q58o5Dkh2iZ1YNQIE8tSOlbjLGVQ2m9GMR2B3pDhuY=s128-c0x00000000-cc-rp-mo', u'language': u'en', u'text': u'I literally had a ceiling light with canister drop out of the ceiling. Brandon came in and not only fixed that one but examined and made necessary adjustments to the other three identical lights. He was very professional, friendly and provided great customer service. I will be requesting him again for other electrical work I need done.', 'review_content': u'I literally had a ceiling light with canister drop out of the ceiling. Brandon came in and not only fixed that one but examined and made necessary adjustments to the other three identical lights. He was very professional, friendly and provided great customer service. I will be requesting him again for other electrical work I need done.', u'author_name': u'Mary', 'datetime': datetime.datetime(2024, 10, 22, 20, 35, 33), 'review_rating': 5, 'review_author': u'Mary', u'relative_time_description': u'4 weeks ago', u'time': 1729629333, u'translated': False, u'original_language': u'en', u'author_url': u'https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/108566776668700319983/reviews'}, {u'rating': 5, u'profile_photo_url': u'https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a/ACg8ocIc5DaOEbAUcyosV-2Okga2FsUL3eth6zLqEHQmr1xq6fCxKw=s128-c0x00000000-cc-rp-mo', u'language': u'en', u'text': u'Robert M from Mister Sparky did an excellent job fixing the electrical lighting in my kitchen. He was punctual, professional, and very knowledgeable. He explained everything clearly, worked efficiently, and ensured the issue was completely resolved. I truly appreciate the care and attention to detail he provided. Highly recommend!', 'review_content': u'Robert M from Mister Sparky did an excellent job fixing the electrical lighting in my kitchen. He was punctual, professional, and very knowledgeable. He explained everything clearly, worked efficiently, and ensured the issue was completely resolved. I truly appreciate the care and attention to detail he provided. Highly recommend!', u'author_name': u'Carli DePue', 'datetime': datetime.datetime(2024, 10, 18, 19, 8, 55), 'review_rating': 5, 'review_author': u'Carli DePue', u'relative_time_description': u'a month ago', u'time': 1729278535, u'translated': False, u'original_language': u'en', u'author_url': u'https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/112726267506102308617/reviews'}], u'geometry': {u'location': {u'lat': 39.8287125, u'lng': -86.22878860000002}, u'viewport': {u'northeast': {u'lat': 39.8299507802915, u'lng': -86.22743766970851}, u'southwest': {u'lat': 39.82725281970851, u'lng': -86.23013563029151}}}, u'status': u'OK', u'current_opening_hours': {u'weekday_text': [u'Monday: Open 24 hours', u'Tuesday: Open 24 hours', u'Wednesday: Open 24 hours', u'Thursday: Open 24 hours', u'Friday: Open 24 hours', u'Saturday: Open 24 hours', u'Sunday: Open 24 hours'], u'open_now': True, u'periods': [{u'close': {u'date': u'2024-11-27', u'time': u'2359', u'day': 3, u'truncated': True}, u'open': {u'date': u'2024-11-21', u'time': u'0000', u'day': 4, u'truncated': True}}]}, u'address_components': [{u'long_name': u'4040', u'short_name': u'4040', u'types': [u'street_number']}, {u'long_name': u'Industrial Boulevard', u'short_name': u'Industrial Blvd', u'types': [u'route']}, {u'long_name': u'Snacks / Guion Creek', u'short_name': u'Snacks / Guion Creek', u'types': [u'neighborhood', u'political']}, {u'long_name': u'Indianapolis', u'short_name': u'Indianapolis', u'types': [u'locality', u'political']}, {u'long_name': u'Pike Township', u'short_name': u'Pike Township', u'types': [u'administrative_area_level_3', u'political']}, {u'long_name': u'Marion County', u'short_name': u'Marion County', u'types': [u'administrative_area_level_2', u'political']}, {u'long_name': u'Indiana', u'short_name': u'IN', u'types': [u'administrative_area_level_1', u'political']}, {u'long_name': u'United States', u'short_name': u'US', u'types': [u'country', u'political']}, {u'long_name': u'46254', u'short_name': u'46254', u'types': [u'postal_code']}], u'_id': ObjectId('673f1081eee2410f023ed4d9')}


Mister Sparky®


(1714 Reviews)
Mark Dennett Profile Image

Mark Dennett

"I recently had the pleasure of hiring Mister Sparky for some electrical work in my home, and I couldn't be more impressed! From start to finish, the experience was fantastic. First, their communication was excellent. They arrived on time, explained the work that needed to be done, and answered all my questions with patience. During the job, they were not only highly skilled and thorough but also extremely courteous. It was clear that they took pride in their work, ensuring everything was done correctly and safely. What stood out the most was their attention to detail. They made sure to keep the work area tidy throughout the process, and by the time they finished, there was no mess left behind. It was such a relief to see my home just as clean as it was before they arrived! I highly recommend Mister Sparky for anyone in need of electrical services. Their professionalism, expertise, and commitment to customer satisfaction are truly commendable. I will definitely be calling them for any future electrical needs!"

Denise Bolander Profile Image

Denise Bolander

"Xavier was great. Installed a whole new main breaker system . He was on time. He explained everything clearly. Very professional and hardworking and definitely knew what he was doing! Would definitely recommend his services again."

John Zubak Profile Image

John Zubak

"Xavier was awesome. Very professional and knowledgeable. Made us feel at ease. I would rate him and Mr Sparky a 10 plus and I’m not exactly the easiest person to please. It’s good to see someone so conscientious."

Mary Profile Image


"I literally had a ceiling light with canister drop out of the ceiling. Brandon came in and not only fixed that one but examined and made necessary adjustments to the other three identical lights. He was very professional, friendly and provided great customer service. I will be requesting him again for other electrical work I need done."

Carli DePue Profile Image

Carli DePue

"Robert M from Mister Sparky did an excellent job fixing the electrical lighting in my kitchen. He was punctual, professional, and very knowledgeable. He explained everything clearly, worked efficiently, and ensured the issue was completely resolved. I truly appreciate the care and attention to detail he provided. Highly recommend!"

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