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u'name': u'Mister Sparky Kansas City', u'url': u'https://maps.google.com/?cid=15516393765274535564', u'adr_address': u'<span class="street-address">1628 N Corrington Ave</span>, <span class="locality">Kansas City</span>, <span class="region">MO</span> <span class="postal-code">64120</span>, <span class="country-name">USA</span>', u'whitelabel_id': 462, u'plus_code': {u'compound_code': u'4GM2+VW Kansas City, MO, USA', u'global_code': u'86F74GM2+VW'}, u'icon_background_color': u'#7B9EB0', u'reviews': [{u'rating': 5, u'profile_photo_url': u'https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a/ACg8ocJH3JH36kOzKvfiX5rJ5KUNz3YXgZR6Ke2a99HMWM9QivVnlw=s128-c0x00000000-cc-rp-mo', u'language': u'en', u'text': u"We knew we had an electrical issue but didn't know how bad it was. Alex came out and did a full inspection. He not only told us what the issue was, he also showed us first-hand. Alex did a great job explaining all our options for mitigation and future protection. He did a great job and got it done quickly. We really appreciated everything.", 'review_content': u"We knew we had an electrical issue but didn't know how bad it was. Alex came out and did a full inspection. He not only told us what the issue was, he also showed us first-hand. Alex did a great job explaining all our options for mitigation and future protection. He did a great job and got it done quickly. We really appreciated everything.", u'author_name': u'Jace Martin', 'datetime': datetime.datetime(2024, 11, 26, 21, 35, 33), 'review_rating': 5, 'review_author': u'Jace Martin', u'relative_time_description': u'3 weeks ago', u'time': 1732656933, u'translated': False, u'original_language': u'en', u'author_url': u'https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/112030740541305130216/reviews'}, {u'rating': 5, u'profile_photo_url': u'https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/ALV-UjUwL1SYi8PywCIxMzsV4lVM-RXWKZLarwX3AZUpMjtSmhbg2IbhkQ=s128-c0x00000000-cc-rp-mo', u'language': u'en', u'text': u'Great experience overall from scheduling the appointment, to tracking the arrival of the technician and the knowledge and efficiency of the technician. I have had the pleasure of working with Bobby to install a 220v charger in my garage. Bobby did a full house electrical inspection and throughly explained the current status of the electrical work in my house. He was able to go in full detail and explained what was urgent vs not. Pointed out a potential safety concern with the gas pipe. He offered me a great price and completed the work to my full satisfaction. Highly recommend him for any electrical work you may need!', 'review_content': u'Great experience overall from scheduling the appointment, to tracking the arrival of the technician and the knowledge and efficiency of the technician. I have had the pleasure of working with Bobby to install a 220v charger in my garage. Bobby did a full house electrical inspection and throughly explained the current status of the electrical work in my house. He was able to go in full detail and explained what was urgent vs not. Pointed out a potential safety concern with the gas pipe. He offered me a great price and completed the work to my full satisfaction. Highly recommend him for any electrical work you may need!', u'author_name': u'Dili dhanani', 'datetime': datetime.datetime(2024, 3, 14, 21, 10, 8), 'review_rating': 5, 'review_author': u'Dili dhanani', u'relative_time_description': u'9 months ago', u'time': 1710450608, u'translated': False, u'original_language': u'en', u'author_url': u'https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/102105422761829586393/reviews'}, {u'rating': 5, u'profile_photo_url': u'https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a/ACg8ocKvDOtel8uRBmObxlcjWY4D5y9_15jxR4FbDCIixtB88ygqlQ=s128-c0x00000000-cc-rp-mo', u'language': u'en', u'text': u'Great work and customer service by Nick and Isaiah. At the beginning of the project they listened to our ideas and recommended different options that had not been thought of.\nArrived when scheduled!! Rare in this industry!\nA month later, after the completion of the kitchen remodel, Nick and Isaiah promptly show up and put the final piece of the puzzle together with under cabinet electrical and lighting, pendant lights over island as well as lights over sink and cooktop and a ceiling fan. These guys are awesome!!!\u2019 Highly recommend if you are ever in need of an electrical company that not only does what it says, but in the timeframe they say!\n\nKudos !', 'review_content': u'Great work and customer service by Nick and Isaiah. At the beginning of the project they listened to our ideas and recommended different options that had not been thought of.\nArrived when scheduled!! Rare in this industry!\nA month later, after the completion of the kitchen remodel, Nick and Isaiah promptly show up and put the final piece of the puzzle together with under cabinet electrical and lighting, pendant lights over island as well as lights over sink and cooktop and a ceiling fan. These guys are awesome!!!\u2019 Highly recommend if you are ever in need of an electrical company that not only does what it says, but in the timeframe they say!\n\nKudos !', u'author_name': u'Barb Stubbendieck', 'datetime': datetime.datetime(2023, 7, 1, 3, 48, 53), 'review_rating': 5, 'review_author': u'Barb Stubbendieck', u'relative_time_description': u'a year ago', u'time': 1688183333, u'translated': False, u'original_language': u'en', u'author_url': u'https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/112533078886581469351/reviews'}, {u'rating': 5, u'profile_photo_url': u'https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/ALV-UjWrw9oni5mIpa80XGeXED7FV9KVCfdY6cZGYvOieKcubeU18wU=s128-c0x00000000-cc-rp-mo-ba2', u'language': u'en', u'text': u'Brandon and Isaiah did a fantastic job!! 100% recommend. They changed out an ancient electrical panel- labeled it as well, replaced 1980\u2019s dated light fixtures and fixed a wobble on our living room fans - great job! Not the cheapest option out there for sure, but I cannot complain about the job done \u2764\ufe0f', 'review_content': u'Brandon and Isaiah did a fantastic job!! 100% recommend. They changed out an ancient electrical panel- labeled it as well, replaced 1980\u2019s dated light fixtures and fixed a wobble on our living room fans - great job! Not the cheapest option out there for sure, but I cannot complain about the job done \u2764\ufe0f', u'author_name': u'Lisa Wallace', 'datetime': datetime.datetime(2023, 8, 28, 18, 4, 42), 'review_rating': 5, 'review_author': u'Lisa Wallace', u'relative_time_description': u'a year ago', u'time': 1693245882, u'translated': False, u'original_language': u'en', u'author_url': u'https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/104930258707071860038/reviews'}], u'geometry': {u'location': {u'lat': 39.1346277, u'lng': -94.4976679}, u'viewport': {u'northeast': {u'lat': 39.1358617302915, u'lng': -94.4965636197085}, u'southwest': {u'lat': 39.1331637697085, u'lng': -94.4992615802915}}}, u'status': u'OK', u'current_opening_hours': {u'weekday_text': [u'Monday: Open 24 hours', u'Tuesday: Open 24 hours', u'Wednesday: Open 24 hours', u'Thursday: Open 24 hours', u'Friday: Open 24 hours', u'Saturday: Open 24 hours', u'Sunday: Open 24 hours'], u'open_now': True, u'periods': [{u'close': {u'date': u'2024-12-27', u'time': u'2359', u'day': 5, u'truncated': True}, u'open': {u'date': u'2024-12-21', u'time': u'0000', u'day': 6, u'truncated': True}}]}, u'address_components': [{u'long_name': u'1628', u'short_name': u'1628', u'types': [u'street_number']}, {u'long_name': u'North Corrington Avenue', u'short_name': u'N Corrington Ave', u'types': [u'route']}, {u'long_name': u'Kansas City', u'short_name': u'KCMO', u'types': [u'locality', u'political']}, {u'long_name': u'Blue Township', u'short_name': u'Blue Township', u'types': [u'administrative_area_level_3', u'political']}, {u'long_name': u'Jackson County', u'short_name': u'Jackson County', u'types': [u'administrative_area_level_2', u'political']}, {u'long_name': u'Missouri', u'short_name': u'MO', u'types': [u'administrative_area_level_1', u'political']}, {u'long_name': u'United States', u'short_name': u'US', u'types': [u'country', u'political']}, {u'long_name': u'64120', u'short_name': u'64120', u'types': [u'postal_code']}], u'_id': ObjectId('6766df168a863de970823a32')}


Mister Sparky®


(1495 Reviews)
Jace Martin Profile Image

Jace Martin

"We knew we had an electrical issue but didn't know how bad it was. Alex came out and did a full inspection. He not only told us what the issue was, he also showed us first-hand. Alex did a great job explaining all our options for mitigation and future protection. He did a great job and got it done quickly. We really appreciated everything."

Dili dhanani Profile Image

Dili dhanani

"Great experience overall from scheduling the appointment, to tracking the arrival of the technician and the knowledge and efficiency of the technician. I have had the pleasure of working with Bobby to install a 220v charger in my garage. Bobby did a full house electrical inspection and throughly explained the current status of the electrical work in my house. He was able to go in full detail and explained what was urgent vs not. Pointed out a potential safety concern with the gas pipe. He offered me a great price and completed the work to my full satisfaction. Highly recommend him for any electrical work you may need!"

Barb Stubbendieck Profile Image

Barb Stubbendieck

"Great work and customer service by Nick and Isaiah. At the beginning of the project they listened to our ideas and recommended different options that had not been thought of. Arrived when scheduled!! Rare in this industry! A month later, after the completion of the kitchen remodel, Nick and Isaiah promptly show up and put the final piece of the puzzle together with under cabinet electrical and lighting, pendant lights over island as well as lights over sink and cooktop and a ceiling fan. These guys are awesome!!!’ Highly recommend if you are ever in need of an electrical company that not only does what it says, but in the timeframe they say! Kudos !"

Lisa Wallace Profile Image

Lisa Wallace

"Brandon and Isaiah did a fantastic job!! 100% recommend. They changed out an ancient electrical panel- labeled it as well, replaced 1980’s dated light fixtures and fixed a wobble on our living room fans - great job! Not the cheapest option out there for sure, but I cannot complain about the job done ❤️"

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