New Haven, originally Quinnipiac, dates back to 1638. Although there aren’t any homes remaining that date back to that year, several homes in New Haven fall into the “old” category, as they were built several decades ago. It’s typically ideal for a home to have an electrical inspection every few years, but older homes need extra TLC, making it a good idea to opt for an annual inspection. If your New Haven home isn’t yet due for an inspection but you’re noticing one or more of the following signs, it’s time to call in the experts.

It’s Been Years Since You’ve Had Your Wiring Checked

Considering a home’s electrical wiring doesn’t require frequent inspections, it can be easy to let the years slip by before you realize it’s been forever since an electrician did one. For your safety, if you live in an older New Haven home and it’s been more than a year since there was an electrical inspection, call and schedule an appointment for one.

Your Home’s Wiring Is a Few Decades Old

It’s ideal for whole-home rewiring to get done at least every few decades, but many homeowners go without it. This isn’t something you want to forgo. The older the electrical wiring, the less capable it is of meeting modern electrical demands. Some homeowners assume that not incorporating certain items, such as an EV charging station, means that their electrical system is fine and they don’t need an electrical inspection, especially if everything has been operating well so far. The issue is that electrical wiring can deteriorate over time and cause problems and/or become a fire risk, and the only way to fix this is to have it replaced. An inspection can give you an idea of just what condition the system is in.

There Are Unexplainable Odors

Strange smells in your home are often easy to trace, like food that’s gone bad or something in the garbage. However, if you notice an odd, fishy, or burning plastic odor and can’t find a clear source, it could be a serious issue with your electrical system. These smells are often caused by overheating wires, melting insulation, or overloaded circuits, which can pose a fire hazard. To investigate safely, approach your outlets, switches, and electrical panel without touching anything. See if the smell intensifies near these areas. If it does, avoid using the affected circuits and call a licensed electrician immediately!

The Breaker Box Is Hot

It’s common for a breaker box to feel warm if you put your hand against it, but it's a problem if any components are hot. The issue needs a professional inspection as soon as possible. Avoid placing your hand on various spots to check it so you don’t accidentally burn yourself.

You’re Hearing Abnormal Sounds

Strange sounds shouldn’t be coming from your outlets, appliances, or breaker box. For example, calling a professional is necessary if you hear crackling, buzzing, popping, or humming. These sounds might not seem like a big deal, but they indicate a problem, such as an issue with the connections.

The Lights Are Flickering

It’s one thing if you have a dimmer switch installed at your New Haven home and you’re operating it manually, but it’s another if the lights are flickering or dimming on their own. This could happen for various reasons, including a connection issue or old electrical wiring. An electrician will need to evaluate the situation and do an inspection to determine why the lights are flickering or dimming and what they can do about it.

The Electricity Capacity No Longer Meets Your Needs

An inspection can determine if your current electrical system meets your electrical needs. There may be signs, such as your circuit breaker keeps tripping, but an electrician can give you a definitive answer, which may involve rewiring as a solution. Unless you’ve gotten rewiring completed within the past several years, you may have a problem with older wiring trying to carry a modern electrical load. This is particularly true if you’ve installed new appliances that weren’t a factor when the current electrical wiring was installed. For example, if you’ve installed (or want to install) a hot tub, deep freezer, EV charging station, or dishwasher, those are more appliances straining the electrical system. Rewiring is ideal in this instance to ensure your system runs more smoothly and safely.

You’re No Longer Planning on Living in the Home

If you plan on selling your New Haven home, renting it out, or passing it down to a loved one, scheduling an electrical inspection sooner rather than later is a good idea. This helps provide the next residents with peace of mind and a safer place to live. If you’re selling the home, getting a seal of approval that the electrical is safe can also be an excellent selling point.

What Inspections Can I Do at My New Haven Home?

Inspections by professional electricians are vital. However, it’s also essential for homeowners to know their electrical system, including the signs that something isn’t right. For example, everyone knows that smoke coming out of an outlet or breaker box is an emergency, but not everyone is aware that a hot breaker box is a problem in the making. Some homeowners wait until an issue becomes obvious, such as flickering lights, but being proactive is important. For example, you can walk around your New Haven home and check that no wires are frayed, no strange smells or sounds are coming from your outlets, and that your breaker box isn’t hot. This is particularly important in areas of the home where residents may not often go, such as a utility closet or attic. The sooner you catch a problem, the better it can be for preventing worse damage. Never try to DIY an issue. Leave it to professional electricians with years of experience fixing many electrical problems and performing careful inspections. No need to stress! An electrical inspection can tell you all you need and want to know. Schedule an appointment today with Mister Sparky® to have an inspection at your New Haven, CT home. We also offer several other electrical services, including installing whole-house surge protectors, EV charger installations, code compliance, emergency services, and more. Contact us today to schedule an electrical inspection of your home!