Most Dangerous Electrical Hazards in Your Home

October 26, 2022
Anywhere there’s electricity, there’s a hazard. The key to containing electricity and reducing the risk of incident is to understand the potential dangers in your home.
At Mister Sparky Electric, we value your safety. Which is why we’ve compiled this guide for identifying electrical hazards, so you and your family can better recognize the dangers of electricity.
- Faulty Wiring- The most common instance of faulty wiring happens at the connections—especially in electrical outlets or switches. Loose connections can lead to sparks and shocks that could start a fire or electrocute anyone they come into contact with.
- Outdated Wiring- Cables casings can become corroded over time and expose the electricity inside. Any time live electricity can come into contact with combustible materials, there is risk for fire.
- Electricity and Water- Everyone knows the two don’t mix well. If you do have electrical outlets near a sink, shower, tub, or other water source, make sure they are GFCI to prevent the risk of electrocution. And NEVER pour water on an electrical fire. Instead, make sure you have fire extinguishers handy throughout the house, so fires can be properly extinguished.
- Extension Cords- Not only are extension cords a tripping hazard, but having the wires run under a rug could cause the cord to wear down over time and cause sparks.
- Children- It’s so important to teach children the dangers of electricity and explain why they should never put items into electrical outlets. Even better, install tamper-resistant outlets to prevent anything from entering the outlet aside from a plug.
- Lightbulbs- Even though lightbulbs may seem innocuous, they do produce enough heat to cause potential issues. Never allow fabrics to cover your lamps or lighting fixtures—this includes scarves and drapes.
- DIY Electrical Repairs- Electrical repairs and updates should always be handled by a professional. Not only does DIY repairing put you at risk of electrocution, but there is also potential for loose connections to cause problems later on.
Even though there’s never a surefire way to prevent all electrical issues in your home, knowing the most common electrical hazards is the first step in creating a safer home for you and your family. Learn the risks and share the information with friends to reduce electrical-related incidents, such as fires and shocks.